Grants and awards

ECVP’22 Grant

We are aware that attending the ECVP may be expensive, especially for people coming from economically disadvantaged countries. ECVP’22 is planning to offer a number of (possibly partial) travel/fee reimbursements to facilitate joining ECVP’22.

We will consider applications from students coming from low-income countries, as well as from non-students who are temporarily without a salary (e.g., young researchers looking for a job after finishing a PhD).

ECVP participants can apply for a grant by completing and submitting a dedicated form before May 1st. The form can be requested by sending an email to, using ‘Grant application form’ as the subject line. Each application should be filled out completely and should also be well-motivated. The grants will be assigned by the organizers, whose decisions are unappealable.

Applicants will be notified about the organizers’ decisions by May 31st at the latest. Please note that the grants will be awarded on site during the Business meeting on Wednesday August 31st, thus only if the beneficiary attends the conference. Otherwise the grants will be re-assigned to other applicants.

ECVP’22-Donders GREEN Travel Award

ECVP’22 and the Donders Institute advocate green travelling to the ECVP and to avoid flying if reasonably possible. The Donders Institute therefore sponsors a select number of GREEN Travel Awards, with a maximum of 500 EURO per applicant for the ‘greenest journeys’. One may think of a long (!) train journey as a substitute to flying, a trip by bicycle over the alps, sailing across the ocean, etc.

To apply for a GREEN Travel Award, you need to announce your intention to travel green to the ECVP Organization before June 1st by sending an email to, using ‘GREEN Travel Award’ as the subject line.

Saving tickets of public transport is a must, and you are encouraged to motivate your journey and also to demonstrate your green travels by making pictures/selfies. Once you have arrived in Nijmegen, you need to submit your green journey evidence (motivation, tickets, pictures, etc.) to the organization via email ( The grants will be assigned by the organizers, whose decisions are unappealable and the grants will be awarded during the Business meeting on Wednesday August 31st.

Tom Troscianko Travel Award

Tom Troscianko was Professor of Psychology in the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Bristol and one of the chief editors of the journals Perception and i-Perception. Following his untimely death in 2011 he left a legacy to the AVA to support vision science in the best way that the committee saw fit. To celebrate his contribution to the field of vision science, and to reflect his wide interests, the Tom Troscianko Award funds attendance at ECVP while encouraging innovative science and interesting travel.

The award will be for up to £2,000, and should cover travel and registration costs (etc) for ECVP, including an additional visit to (at least) one other location for scientific purpose — with an emphasis on adventure! The deadline for application is 1st May 2022. For more information and for application instructions, please visit